Chip shots tips – and how to understand your golf performance from TheGrint Golf Handicap Tracker

Chip shots are probably one of the most under appreciated shots in golf. The are not impressive like a long drive or a 15 ft holed putt. However, because we are not going to hit every green they are absolutely critical for scoring.

As an amateur golfer I believe you have to approach your chip shots in 2 different ways:

  1. Aggressive: The ones that you try to leave really close (within 5 ft for a 1 putt)

Defensive: The difficult ones that you need to ensure to leave on the green within 20 ft for a 2 putt and an occassionnal 1 putt

Here is the deal, there are some chip shots that you should result in 1 putt but there are others that are too difficult for us amateurs and we should ensure we at least 2 putt. However, the majority of us amateur golfers always try to chip and leave it really really close.

The reality is that we are not Phil Mickelson. And on difficult chip shots we may leave it close 10% of the time, leave us a 2 putt 40% of the time and hit it into a bunker or outside of the green the remaining 60% of the time. That means that every 10 of those difficult chip shots you will loose 5 strokes or much much more.

That is not to say that you should not try it some times. For example, you may be playing skins with someone and need a one putt to win or halve. But you should not try it on your regular rounds when you are simply trying to shot your best possible round.

Reading your chip stats from TheGrint

There are several ways to understand your chip shot historical performance at TheGrint. The simplest one is too look at your one putts when you are not in Regulation. But most importantly to look at your 3 putts when you are not in regulation.

Most amateurs try to think of chip shots aggressively when in fact they should be thinking defensively most of the times. Only lower handicap golfers <10 should be thinking aggressively most of the time.

So with that in mind, take a look at how many 3 putts you have made in holes when you were not in regulation. That will give you a good understanding of how far you are leaving it from the pin. Same for 1 putts.

Enjoy your golf!

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