Declare Your Bag in TheGrint App

Luis Rivero

5 minutes

Did you make a recent addition to your golf bag? Do you have a new driver or a new set of irons? Today, we’ll go over the "My Bag" feature on TheGrint that lets you select what clubs you’re currently using. It allows you to add your clubs (drivers, woods, hybrids, irons, and putters) leveraging our database of golf equipment that has virtually every brand there is (we may not have the latest engineering feat made by Greg during quarantine, but it’s close). And if we don't have it, simply let us know at and we will add it!

Having your bag up-to-date comes with a couple of benefits, besides showing love to your favorite brand. Here are the top three:

1- Choose your Tee Shot Club, in an easy way:

By having your bag declared, you’ll have the option to select the specific club you're using from the tee shot from a dropdown menu that will appear. The advantage is that it will display only the clubs that you have in your bag and that are relevant to you, making a more seamless experience.

This works for both the Advanced Score Selector and the Shot Tracker.

2- Track Your Performance:

Is that new driver really working out for you? Did you fare better using your previous Driver than the current one?

When you declare your bag, we are tracking your performance with each specific club. And while this is not yet available (as of June 2021), you will eventually be able to compare the metrics that are most relevant to each club separately. For example, you will be able to compare your old Driver and the new one to see if you have a higher Fairway In Regulation % than before. Same for irons with your Greens In Regulations %, and Putters with make% or putts per round.

3- Do It For The Data!

Earlier this year, we analyzed the most accurate drivers for Grinters and separated the results into handicap brackets. With this new information, we will be able to compare all models and break down the data by product instead of just by handicap bracket.

Our goal is to provide you with as many analytics like these as possible and the simple truth is that the more data points we have, the more likely we are to provide robust analysis that will match your situation more accurately.

To declare your bag in TheGrint app, simply tap on your profile and go to Your Bag. From there you’ll be able to add all your clubs and even what balls you use (hey, we like to be thorough!)

If this article made you realize that you haven’t updated your bag for a while, we have a great leasing program at our sister app Gimme that you can use to find the perfect club for you with convenient (and low!) payments.

Enjoy your Golf!