Live Leaderboards in our Golf Mobile Apps


4 minutes

We are excited to announce the launch of our Live Leaderboards in our golf mobile apps. This new feature allows you to see what people in other foursomes a shooting real time and rank you against them.

Live Leaderboards are now available on the iPhone apps and will be soon available on the Android apps. To download our apps search for "TheGrint | Golf Handicap Tracker" on the app stores.

How will it work?

An organizer will create a leaderboard using his app. The person will give it a name and a passcode and select the golf course where the game will be played.

Once it has been created the organizer will tell the participants/players the name of the leaderboard and the passcode which they can use to join.

Each device can track up to four scores. So each foursome can track their round with one device. As scores are tracked the leaderboard gets populated with the information and ranks the players accordingly.

What's behind this?

Well, we want to make it easier for you to connect with your friends when you are not playing . But now, this also helps you connect when you are playing on a different foursome.

Of course, you are probably already imagining where we are going with this technology. So stay tuned to future releases.

Upcoming Releases

Our next releases will be to allow to post 9 Hole Rounds. Which is critical for many golfers. Currently you can only post 9 Hole rounds in the website. Our next release should come very shortly after this Live Leaderboards release. We are also fixing some minor bugs that we had in previous app versions.

For longer term we are already building our database of course maps for GPS. In fact we also released a tool for you (our members) to upload maps. Course Mapper. Once we have enough course maps we will release our GPS feature in our apps.

We are devoted to creating the most complete app for golfers. Stay tuned.

Let us know any thoughts or feedback you may have.

Enjoy your golf!