6 minutes
Using TheGrint Tours section you can organize small virtual competitions as well as large group leagues. In this post we will explain how to do so. Is very simple.
Every Tour is composed of events and players. Just like the PGA tour. So you need to create/schedule the events and add the players that will play in each of those events. The Tour will rank each of the player according to their performance and show it on the main Leaderboard.
So let's say that you have a golf league of 30 golfers that play once a month for one year. Then that Tour will have 12 events, and the organizer will have to add those 12 events with dates to that Tour.
The one difference we have is that we also created this feature for regular folks like you and I who have a group of golf buddies, that don't necessarily live on the same city or play together. That's why our events have "deadline dates" and not "dates". That means that in order to compete in an event, the player have the opportunity to post a score within a period of time. After that deadline date, the system will not allow the player to upload the score to that event. Is up to the organizer to decide the rules.
Creating a Tour is extremely simple. You need a name and the players that will be on it. Here are the steps:
A Tour is composed of events. The organizer needs to add the events one by one. Then select the players, categories, points and deadline date. Here is how:
Once these parameters have been set up then the events and Tours are ready to receive scores.
If you perform those steps your tournaments and events will be on their way.
If you manage a big league and need help managing it plus some advanced features we can help. Send us an email at an we can discuss the options we offer.
Enjoy your Golf!