TheGrint - Golf Badges And Trophy Room

Luis Rivero

6 minutes

Golf Badges And Trophy Room

If you play often or maybe just a few times using TheGrint, you might have seen our Badges/Milestones and Trophy Room with different Numbers and Colors. And maybe wondered, why are they different colors? How do I get one of those Pink badges?

Recently we have gotten those questions from many of you, so we figured it would be nice to let everyone know the meaning and stats behind it... and how to earn them.

Before I start explaining the meaning of each of them, keep in mind we created these based on the average performance of golfers at different handicap ranges. Using approximately 150,000 rounds worth of data. However, we know these are not perfect measurements of levels and ultimately these lines are arbitrary.

We golfers are always looking to improve our Game and because Golf is a Game of many Stats and Numbers, we wanted to give each stat and accomplishment a Badge or Milestone to show progress.

So, lets start with the basic ones, the Bronze Badges. If you are getting these you are no longer in the "Learning the Game" category, and you are getting closer at becoming an intermediate golfer!

Bronze Badges

Now, the Silver Badges! Which show a lot of progress in your game. If you are getting these you are what people call a "Bogey" golfer (10-18) but getting closer to single digits handicap range.

Silver Badges

Then the Gold Badges! if you are getting these badges you are probably a single digit golfer and can deal with most challenges...

Gold Badges

Finally, the rarest of the rarest! Pink Badges are rare feats, and when you get them you should brag about them. Even Scratch Golfers never get to achieve some of these... and yes, a Hole in One gets you a Pink badge!

Pink Badges

As Golfers we are always trying to improve and lower our Golf Handicap; this is why we created these Badges and Milestones, to set up Goals and reward us when we achieve them.

You can check your Badges on the Trophy Room, either on our Free Golf App or on the Website.

We are always open to suggestions about these Badges and Milestones, so if you feel we are missing one, feel free to contact us either through e-mail ( or leave a comment below.

Enjoy your Golf!