TheGrint Golf Handicap Tracker Apps


6 minutes

I wanted to take the time to show you our latest golf apps. We just release a new version of the Android and iPhone apps recently and I wanted to share with you some of its features.

here they are in case you have not downloaded them...


Scorecard Picture Service

The whole reason why we started TheGrint is the Scorecard Pic Service. And with our apps it is even easier and quicker. Our apps allow you to upload the picture and provide us with the necessary details (usernames, golf course, city, teebox) in 45 seconds. It also allow you to provide a review of the golf course played.

Track your Scores (and see hole stats while you play)

If you want to upload your score right after and don't want to wait for us to upload your score using the Scorecard Pic Service, then this tracker is for you. You can quickly track your score and stats. But the coolest thing about it is that it shows your historical stat (and that of your friends) for every hole before you play it. So you know how conservatively or aggressively you should play it.

You can keep scores for up to 4 players.

Friends NewsFeed and Previous Scores and Stats

TheGrint golf handicap tracker apps also allows you to keep track of your friend rounds. It has a built in activity feed (pretty much like facebook) that shows when your golf buddies have played, and how much they shoot. It is a good way to stay posted on each other performances and milestones.

Finally... our future releases

Live Leaderboards

We are currently working on a new release that will allow you see a live leaderboard of everyone playing with you. So let's say you are on a golf trip with 12 other friends and are playing a little competition. You will be able to see how each other is performing live. All you need to do is have everyone tracking their scores using TheGrint App. The release is scheduled end of April or earlier.

Our Database of Golf Courses

One of the common questions we get is about our course database. We have over 17,000+ golf courses in our database. And we are continuously expanding it and updating existing courses. If you know of any course that is missing or that has incorrect information. Just let us know at and we will get on it within 48 hours.

Where to find our apps? Just click on the corresponding button below


Enjoy your Golf!