Total Golf Trainer - 3.0 "Beast Mode" - TheGrint Golf

Luis Rivero

5 minutes

Total Golf Trainer - 3.0 "Beast Mode"

Alright, this is it! final post of this series. And yes we had to finish with "BEAST MODE"!  As you know this is sponsored content from Total Golf Trainer, but we are pretty sure you will enjoy it (in fact we have already heard great comments from you guys).

Below Michael Gish (Inventor of the TGT) shares with us Beast Mode!


Do the Best players in the world use training aids?  The answer is YES!! Almost every professional golfer uses or has used a training device.  The golf swing has evolved in many ways but there is one undeniable fact. Your body is going to react to hitting the ball in a certain way that is hard to control or change. This is your golf DNA.

The way you swing the club naturally, without thinking about anything but hitting the ball.  Everyone’s body reacts in different ways and wants to do what feels comfortable and easy. These are not bad habits that can be fixed in 60 days but tendencies that will always come back if we don’t control them.

The problem is most golfers cannot afford to see an instructor 3-4 times a week or have them on the range before a round to ensure that their practice is correct and they are not falling back into the bad tendencies. This is why golf training devices are a very important part of practice.  The only way to know if you are practicing correctly is through feedback.

The instructor watches you hit balls for 1 hour and provides feedback.  This is why everyone hits the ball better doing the lesson than by themselves.  The best feedback devices on the market cost less than a 1 hour lesson and can provide feedback for a lifetime.

Total Golf Trainer has developed products that can be used anywhere from the range, backyard, home, office and receive the quality feedback necessary to improve.  You can work on things like flat lead wrist at the top or impact, loading and lagging the trail wrist, sequencing the downswing, creating more hip rotation through the ball, club path on the takeaway, improve downswing path,  square club face through out the swing and more.

Beast Mode, is using all three products for Total Golf Training.  The Total Golf Trainer Arm can be used to feel a flat lead wrist or to maintain lag in the downswing on the trail wrist, with settings to control your club face for any shot from chipping to full swing.

The Total Golf Trainer Hip will provide feedback to feel correct takeaway or downswing sequence also provides instant feedback on your hip rotation which creates more speed in your swing.

The Total Golf Trainer is perfect for swing path and impact,  creates more consistency and improved ball striking, eliminates miss hit shots and penalty strokes.

The Total Golf Trainer products provide feel necessary to recognize a correct swing and feedback to Learn your Process and Own your Swing with Total Golf Training(Beast Mode)