Using TheGrint to capture all of your favorite golfing memories in one place

Patrick Brennan

10 minutes

Getting More out of TheGrint

TheGrint isn’t just an app to use for score tracking and on-course GPS distances. This series of articles will spotlight features of TheGrint that extend beyond course management and scoring, and help you achieve more in your golf journey.

Using TheGrint to capture all of your favorite golfing memories in one place

Many of us are used to collecting physical memorabilia throughout our golfing journey. Serious golf junkies collect flags, markers, scorecards and tees from memorable courses like Pinehurst or Oakmont, whether we’ve played the course ourselves or watched a professional tournament there.

These physical tokens remind us of the beautiful game, and how lucky we were to visit, or play a bucket list course. A great way to complement these physical items is with digital memories and milestones, all captured in one place on TheGrint. The best tools for this include:

  • Past Scorecards
  • Course Rankings
  • Trophy Room

More often than you’d think, you’ll find yourself pulling out your phone and bringing up these sections when you’re killing time, or when chatting with friends over a beer.


To access your scorecards as instant proof to your mates – open up the homepage on TheGrint app, click the “Career” tab and then select “Scorecards.”

When scrolling through your scorecard history, it can remind you of periods where you were on fire, or that not-so-good round out of nowhere where you shot a 91. Or maybe your scorecards show that the only consistency in the game of golf is your inconsistency.

TheGrint also keeps track of your attestation history, as well as showing the slope and course rating for every round you upload, and the date the round was played.

The more rounds I play, the more I find myself using these features. For example, I may have shot a 79 at an easier course with a 113 rating, but my better round was the 84 at a course with a 123 rating. The scorecards remind you of the day you felt good with driver, testing yourself off the back tees and breaking 80 in 2020.

In the screenshots above, you can see I was trending with some steady golf, with not much fluctuation in the scores. Changing tees made a big difference, going four shots lower after moving to the white tees with some work colleagues at Eagle Ranch. A birdie on the last, if I remember correctly!

And this is exactly the point of the digital memories in TheGrint. My recollection of the round was slightly hazy - but quickly tapping this scorecard confirmed that I did indeed birdie the last, and TheGrint informs me of a green under regulation and a two putt birdie!

By tracking and uploading your rounds on TheGrint, you start to build a really interesting history of your entire golf journey, in a way that physical scorecards and ball markers can’t match. Your golfing resume is available instantly using TheGrint app. And one of the cooler features that gets automatically teed up from your scorecard history is the Course Rankings feature of the app – which can lead to some great debates!

Course Rankings

Head to the menu in the top right, and click the “Courses” tab. This section contains 3 main components: My Courses, Bucket List, and Discover. When it comes to digital memories, the most powerful feature is the My Courses section.

Every time you upload a score in TheGrint, the course you played gets added to the list. The more golf you play and the more courses you play, the more fun this gets.

The badges at the top indicate a variety of stats about your golf journey, and it is surprisingly fun to drag and drop courses in the personal ranking section. If you played some awesome courses before you were a Grinter? No problem, click “add course” find it, and rank it!

For some courses, there is a clear best. For others, it can be tricky to rank them against each other. I played in some of the most beautiful parts of Canada on the beginning of my Grinter’s journey, but I have a soft spot for where I grew up – Seascale Golf Club in the North of England. There is nothing quite like shooting a good score on a windy day there. Let’s add that one in.

Every golfer has different preferences about what makes a course enjoyable. Was it how well you scored? The prestige of the course? The architecture and layout? Usually, it is a combination of good golf, the right level of difficulty and good weather, and if you combine the three, there will be only fond memories from the round.


The trophy room is where your golf milestones start to pile up. It really is like a digital trophy cabinet. I’d LOVE to see what Rory McIlroy’s trophy room would look like if he logged all his rounds on TheGrint.

If you are a competitor, or simply love ticking off a checklist – this part of the app is for you.

Pro-tip - Tap on the badge to launch your scorecard from that day. You’ll be able to see what course you played, when, and with whom – just in case you needed to call on the eyewitness accounts of what went down.

It’s my goal to fill in every single badge. The hole in one is still elusive to me. It will be a huge celebration that day, not least because when you get an ace on TheGrint, the app fires off a notification to all your friends instantly. Even better if they were there to see it happen.There are 7 main sections here to explore:

  • Records per Round - Personal bests such as best score or low number of putts in a round
  • Historical Achievements – An ongoing count of total birdies made, eagles made, and more
  • Accumulated Stats - Total rounds played, and number of rounds in the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s
  • Most Per Round - What is the most pars you had in a round? 1-putts? Sand saves?
  • Fewest Per Round - Have you earned the “Zero 3-putts” badge? Any double bogey free rounds?
  • Grint Activity - See your golf journey within TheGrint, showing number of friends, courses played, rounds logged.
  • Bad Performance Badges - Golf is a hard sport. How can we not smile at our bad performances? One day I had a tee accuracy of 6%. That’s one fairway all day. Still made bogey.

On TheGrint, tracking your scores is just the beginning. Over time, it becomes your personal digital collection of golfing experiences, and a homebase for your entire golf journey. The accolades mount up as you strive to improve, and logging your round on TheGrint becomes second nature in your quest to tick off every badge.

Remember: if you didn’t log it on TheGrint, did it really happen?