What's TheGrint? Check our Video


3 minutes

We started TheGrint because we wanted to make the process of tracking your handicap easy for everyone. Growing up, my parents belonged to an old-fashioned golf club and there was a fancy little box where you would put your scorecard at the end of your round. That score would be used by someone to calculate your handicap. It was that simple.

TheGrint is a simple way to track your handicap without having to change the way you do things Today.  But now we are much more than just that, we are a community of golfers that share their golf world outside the golf course. You can share your milestones, your stats, meet friends, organize outings and much more. All in the same place.

Our TheGrint video explains what we do


I don't have money for a private golf club (and don't see the value of it if your concern is only golf). But even private golf clubs don't do the fancy box thing anymore because is expensive. In fact, we estimate that only 10-15% of golfers track their handicap. Our goal is to increase that percentage dramatically by creating an easy-to-use process. TheGrint.

However, having said that, we have observed that most of our users find a lot more value on the tools that we have than the actual Scorecard Picture Service. Don't get me wrong people love the Scorecard Picture Service, but what we are told is that the real value comes once you have the data in the system because you can learn a lot about your own performance (and a lot about your friend's performance), but most importantly you can compete with your friends based on your stats.

We are still on a very young stage however, and we need your help to keep growing. Share our video with your golfing buddies, I am sure they will love it and for you, having more friends in TheGrint will make it even more fun.

Enjoy your Golf!