Sam O'Brien
14 minutes
Did you know that you can use TheGrint to create and manage your golf groups and events?
There are many uses for the Groups feature. 3 common scenarios where it is especially helpful:
This article will explain each of the above scenarios. Then it will teach you how to:
Do this in advance of your round to save the headache of wrangling everyone together on the first tee. Get to hole 1, press “Start Round”, and you’re off to the races.
Are you the ringleader? Aka the one that sets up the weekend tee times for your group and does all the dirty work behind the scenes to get your group onto the course? There are many common game types played by golf groups. We looked at some of the ways Grinters are using the Groups feature, and here are some of our favorites:
These are just a few of our favorite examples, but there are ENDLESS ways people are using groups.
But what makes the groups feature so important for the Ringleader?
You can create a group on TheGrint and share the link in your group’s text chat, Whatsapp, email list, wherever – use this to confirm who’s in or out. Also, the group you create can be as big as you want; whether you have one tee time for 4 players, or maybe your league has all the tee times in a row for an hour or two and you want to organize a side game and track it all on TheGrint.
Once you get in this habit, it will become second nature for your playing partners. And it makes your job easier as the ringleader, having it all in one place.
After you’ve created the Group, this is where you find the add leaderboard button. Make sure to add a leaderboard to your group – more details on the setup included later in this article.
Tired of playing alone? Use TheGrint to discover playing partners in 2 cool ways.
If you have a tee time booked and need some players:
If you’re looking for a tee time or for new playing partners:
You can message these hosts even if you are not “Friends” on TheGrint. This is because the group owner has made his group “Public” and is open to everyone (more on privacy settings below). Here is where the host can share things like the cost of the round you’ll need to pay at the course, or other details to know about playing with the group, for example: does the group play games or typically make wagers on the course? Which tee boxes do they play from?
There are many scenarios that fit here, but let’s say you have an annual get together with 16 of your friends – you’re all friends already and many of you use TheGrint. You typically book 4 foursomes. You always do net stroke play. Using TheGrint:
Easily manage an unlimited number of players. This works for groups of any size. You can even add a leaderboard to the group, so as golfers track their scores during the round, the live leaderboard is accessible on the day of the event.
* Description of privacy settings:
Adding a leaderboard is what makes the group WAY more powerful. Once the group is created:
If you’ve been invited to a group, you will receive a notification in the app. Open it and tap “Join”. Groups are also shown in the activity feed when one of your friends is looking for players to fill a group.
Otherwise, open the 9 dot menu and tap “Groups”, and use the search functionality to find your group, or a relevant group that you’d like to join.
On the day of play, there are 2 convenient ways to get started:
Once you do either of the above, the score tracker will launch and you’re ready to go. All the round settings including the players, teeboxes, games and competition settings are already in place. Now just track your score like normal, and watch the leaderboard update across groups.
Once the round is started, you can add in “cart games” just between the players within the foursome. Just make sure that all players that want to play the cart game are on the same scorecard (use the Linked Scorecards feature).
A 10-10-20 Nassau is one of the most common games played between carts, and TheGrint can handle this game in parallel to the full group game that is already running across multiple scorecards.
Finally, after the round is finished, you will see a post in the activity feed showing the results of the group leaderboard.
Want to get your golf group used to using TheGrint? Just fire up a group and get started! Once everyone sees how easy it is, you’ll never go back.