Golf Performance Stats Analysis - Part 2: How To Improve Your Golf Handicap with TheGrint

Luis Rivero

5 minutes

Golf Performance Stats Analysis - Part 2: How To Improve Your Golf Handicap with TheGrint

This is the 2nd of the 3 Series article about Golf Performance Stats.. This one is called:

Iron Accuracy

If you guys read my last Blog post, I showed you my Stats on Driving Accuracy and GIR when Hitting the Fairway or not (Here's the link to my 1st Blog in case you guys didn't read it). And as I said, my real problem is my Iron Game.

Now, to continue with this Series of Blogs, you all have to know that all of these Stats have to do with the Players' style of golf game as well. I have a 4.8 Handicap and my Style of Game is pretty conservative, making this a big impact on wether I leave myself with a Long Putt for Birdie or Par.

Here are my Stats on Iron Accuracy depending on the Yardages I have:


Iron Accuracy


As you can see on the Graphs, I hit a lot of GIR on Par 3's from 100 to 150 Yards, however, my Scoring Avg. on Par 3's is 3.5. For my standards and for what I feel I can play, I believe that number is high.

But the good thing about TheGrint is that you can Compare yourself to other Golfers (friends) that play like you. So that's what I did; I went to the Ranking on the Website, saw who was above and below me on the Handicap Index Ranking and then checked their Trends and Stats and compared them to mine. And even though I feel I can play better, my Par 3 Scoring Avg. and my Iron Accuracy from 100 to 175 Yards is within the range of what my Friends have on their Stats.

I also took advantage of the Tools TheGrint offers and compared my Golf Stats with one of my friends' stats who has 0.2 Handicap and the big difference is not so much on how many GIR he hits, the big difference is on the Scoring Avg. And after digging some more into our Stats, all the difference between being a 0.2 Handicap and my game is something else... which I wont say because it is what I will be talking about on my next Blog.

Meanwhile I post my next Blog, you all should check your Stats and start comparing them with your friends' stats. See what the differences are between the Better players and your Game. Remember to take into consideration your Style of Game.

Stay tuned!

Blog written by: LadyGrinter