The Golf Handicap Formula


4 minutes

You all know that to calculator your golf handicap you need a golf club and a golf handicap tracker, however, we are frequently asked about the formula for the Golf Handicap. So we tried to put it in one simple formula. Here is our best attempt:

Golf HAndicap formula and calculation

So, how do you read it. Here it goes:

  1. First you need to find your last 20 scores and calculate the Handicap Differentials of each one. You do so by applying the formula between the red brackets for each score.
  2. Once you have done that, identify the lowest 10 handicap differentials of those 20 and obtain the average by adding them up and dividing by 10
  3. Then multiply the result by 96%, and there you go.

There of course things we left out here:

What happens if I don't have a records of 20 scores?

In that case you would have to follow the below table to see how many differentials to consider.

What about cleaning my scores? What if I made an 8 on a par 3?

The handicap formula also considers what is called ESC. It depends on the player's handicap. Here is how:

Golf Handicap Calculator

If I use this formula would my golf handicap be good?

Well not really, because while this is the formula it is not as simple as a formula. The USGA Handicap System relies heavily on "peer review". Peer review is golfers watching other golfers to make sure all scores are input correctly.

Also, the handicap revision happens every 15 days, so keeping track and re-calculating can be a pain. I recommend you use a free golf handicap tracker like to keep track and calculate the handicap for you. That's why we made it ;-) and it does not cost you a dime.

Quick golf handicap formula summary

Identify your last scores, calculate the handicap differentials for each, find the lowest ones, average them, multiply by 96%. That's it!

Enjoy your Golf!